Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Vector Analysis I Process Summary

This Vector Analysis Lab was actually kind of fun.  We are working on the analysis part of GIS and it is interesting.  I like making the maps but finding info using various layers and combinations is pretty neat. 

Below is my Process Summary and MetaData.  I included all the layers we worked with, not just the three originally listed and the new ones.  Also, I detailed each step in the Process Summary as I went because I saved as I went which I found very useful.

PART I: Metadata
1)     File name: Flood_Zones
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\flood_zones
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: polygon
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Custom
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983
§  Units:  Meters
2)     File name: Major_highways
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\major_highways
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Line
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers Conical Equal Area (FGDL)
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
3)     File name: Superact_wells_esc
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\superact_wells_esc
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers Conical Area (FGDL)
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
4)     File name: Join_Output
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\join_output
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers Conical Area (FGDL)
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
5)     File name: Join_Output_2
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\join_output_2
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers_Conical_Area (FGDL)
§  Projection:  Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
6)     File name: Parcels Nearby
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\parcels_nearby
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Polygon
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Custom
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983
§  Units:  Meters
7)     File name: Pensacola_Parcels_Feb10_clip
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\ Pensacola_Parcels_Feb10_clip
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Polygon
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Custom
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983
§  Units:  Meters
8)     File name: Rails
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\rails
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Line
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Custom
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
9)     File name: Pensacola_Schools
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\pensacola_schools
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: Simple
o   Geometry Type: Line
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Custom
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units: Meters
10)  File name: Drainage_Basin
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\drainage_basin
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: Polygon
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers_Conical_Area (FGDL)
§  Projection:  Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
11)  File name: Escambia_cellular
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\escambia_cellular
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers_Conical_Area (FGDL)
§  Projection:  Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
12)  File name: Superact_risk_features
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\superact_risk_features
o   Data Type: File Geodatabase Feature Class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: Point
o   Reference System:
§  Projection Name: Albers_Conical_Area (FGDL)
§  Projection:  Albers
§  Datum: D_North_American_1983_HARN
§  Units:  Meters
13)  File name: sum_output
o   S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\sum_output
o   Data Type: stand alone table
o   Table Type: File Geodatabase Table
PART III: Process Summary Details

1)     Started ArcMap and opened VectorAnalysis_1.mxd’. I followed the steps in the lab instruction and saved as I went, (a lesson learned) then erased all once I completed the lab.  Saving did help since I realized as I was going through the steps and answering the questions that I missed changing a spatial selection method on one of the queries so it was easy enough to go back to the previous saved .mxd. I chose to detail the steps to keep it straight in my mind.
2)     Located land parcels within 2000 feet of school using ‘Select by Location’ query – saved as “S:\ Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\schools.mxd”
3)     Located land parcels within 1 mile of hospital, within the already selected features, using ‘Select by Location’ Query. Saved as “S:\Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\hospital.mxd”
4)     Located land parcels that were not within a kilometer of a railroad, within the already selected features, using ‘Select by Location’ Query. Saved as “S:\Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\rails.mxd.”
5)     Located the land parcels within 3000 feet of cellphone towers, using ‘Select by Location’ query.  Saved as “S:\Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\escambia_cellular.mxd”
6)     Checked how many features were selected by ‘Open Attribute Table’. 
7)     Created new layer and saved it as “Vector_analysis\Lab7Data\Parcels_Nearby.mxd” and unselected the layer, deleted the other .mxd files but kept the Parcels_Nearby.mxd
8)     Located the land parcels within the Enterprise_zones polygon layer.
9)     In the Superact_risk_features layer, used query to find this feature in the already selected parcels.
10)  Used the ‘Target layer features intersect source layer features’ to find  the parcels that are affected by flood zones and their value.
11)  Used the ‘Select by Attributes’ function to find the ‘residential’ parcels and the total market value of the parcels within the flood zone.
12) Saved final .mxd as Vector_Analysis_cmb.mxd

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