Thursday, March 29, 2012

Data Editing assignment

This week's assignment was very useful.  I had some of the regular frustrations but just had to slow down and start again, paying attention to details.  The mistakes I make are sometimes useful, I am able to see a little bit how some things work and how they don't, which will hopefully help me as I start work outside the class with ArcMap.

This assignment was about learning how to edit information, combining features and selecting specific information to show and creating new features.  We were using information about Gulf County to find a good location for an office for the BOCC with certain criteria such as, the property needed to be county owned, over 20 acres and vacant.

Here is the map I produced.

Process Summary Details
I saved along the way and found this very useful again since I ended up closing down and restarting a couple times.  It ended up that I was doing everything correctly but I just didn't think it looked right.
1)     Added the layers ‘GulfCounty_Roads’ and ‘GulfCounty_Parcels’ to ArcMap
2)     Used the Editor Tool to Merge the two Parcels 03334-000R and 03341-000R, changed their information in the ‘GulfCounty_Parcels’ attribute table to reflect the new status.
3)     Added the new created shapefile layer “CountyOwned.shp” to ArcMap
4)     Used the Calculate Geometry and Field Calculator tools to display wanted information.
5)     Ran a Definition query to hide the features not needed for this map.
6)     Added the new created shapefile layer “SuitableParcels.shp” to ArcMap
7)     Using the Editing tool again with the snapping tool, adjusted the roads from the ‘GulfCounty_Road’ layer to fit better. 
8)     Using the Creating Features tool, drew the road feature for the cul-de-sac development.
9)     Changed colors, added labels and essential features to map showing the new Suitable Parcels layer with parcel id, the original Gulf County Parcels and the updated Gulf County Roads.  Added an aerial basemap.
10)  Saved as S:\Data_Editing\final.mxd and exported as S:\Data_Editing_cmb.jpg

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