Thursday, February 16, 2012

Projections Part 1 Lab

This week's lab worked with map projections in ArcGIS, along with creating the three different projection maps of the square mile area of Florida counties, we also modified the projections in ArcCatalog.

Here is my map with the three projections and relevant information.


Process Summary:

1. We started with working with ArcToolox by expanding the 'Data Management Toolbox' and the 'Projections and Transformations' toolset, selecting the 'Feature' toolset and the 'Project' tool.
2. Once we had the 'Project' tool open, we set 'cntbnd' as the 'Input Dataset', 'cntbnd_utm16' as the 'Output Dataset' and then moving on to creating the new dataset by opening the 'Output Coordinate System' and then selecting 'NAD 183 UTM Zone 16N' under the Projected Coordinate System .
3. Back in the 'Project' tool window, we selected 'NAD_1983_To_Harn_Florida'
4. 'cntbnd_utm16' was added as a layer although the Geographic Coordinate System Warning did not appear even though I backed up the steps and tried it again.
5. Inserted new data frames and named these layers "Albers", "UTM" and "State Plane N." and moved the 'cntbnd_utm16' layer into the 'UTM' frame, removing it from 'Albers'.
6. Created a new layer and named it "cntbnd_stateplanen" using the Florida State Plane North projection.
7. For all the layers, a new field called "area" was created, using the 'calculate geometry' box to add the data to the new field.  I was having a bit of problems with this process, as were a couple of my classmates, but I finally got it to work.
8. Once that was accomplished it was time to put the map together, selecting the Alachua, Escambia, Polk and Miami-Date counties and add their information to the map along with the other essential data.
9. The combined layers with information on the map were saved and exported as "projections_cmb1.jpg" to my H:drive and S:drive.
10. Proceeded on to the Raster projection step.

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