Thursday, January 26, 2012

Own Your Map

This week's lab asked us to create different elements in a map of Florida with counties and cities.  I enjoyed playing around with the different elements and creating something I thought looked nice and portrayed the information well.

Process Summary:

1. extracted "" from R:drive to S:drive
2. opened ArcCatalog
3. opened Own Your Map
4. viewed info in contents, preview and description under the cities_feb04 shapefile
5. gathered info for metadata
6. opened OwnYourMap.mxd in ArcMap
7. saved as OwnYourMap_cmb88
8. changed view to landscape
9. added neatline with inside margins with gap of 10
10. selected double line as border
11. aligned image 'to margins', 'to center' and 'vertical center' and zoomed to extent
12. added Title "Florida Cities for Intro to GIS"
13. changed font to Lucida Bright 20 bold cabernet with character space of 5
14. added Legend: cabernet, Lucida Bright, bold, 14 point - changed names to County Boundary and Cities, added doubleline border in cabernet with gap of 5 - background of sand color
15. added North arrow - ESRI North 64
16. added Scale - scale bar 1 - Lucida Bright, 12, bold, cabernet
17. added Name and Date
18. added metadata
19. saved to S:drive and H:drive as OwnYourMap

1 comment:

  1. Kitty,
    Nice looking map - I like how you have experimented with color and layout options.
