Thursday, January 19, 2012

ArcGIS10 Overview Lab

ArcMap Lab for Intro to GIS - Catherine Bronson
Process Summary

  1. Opened and extracted the map data to my S: drive
  2. Added the data to ArcMap
  3. Added the World_Countries shapefile
  4. Explored the tools and followed the instructions to answer the Lab questions
  5. Once back at Full Extent, I added the Cities layer to ArcMap
  6. I changed the color of the Cities layer by clicking on the symbol and selecting the square, size 2
  7. I changed the World Countries layer by right clicking and choosing the Graduated Colors, POP2007 and then the Color Ramp to blues  and purples and the number of Classes to 7
  8. I changed the map background color to Lt Cyan
  9. I changed the Layout View to Landscape and fit image to area
  10. I inserted the north arrow I liked
  11. I inserted the scale bar in kilometers
  12. I inserted the title in the font I liked
  13. I inserted the legend
  14. I exported the map as a JPEG to my S:drive and to my H:drive

1 comment:

  1. Kitty, Great job with this post! Exactly what we are looking for.
