Friday, August 10, 2012

Final Project

This is the final project for this class.

My proposal was to find a location for a community wind farm on the DelMarVa Peninsula (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia Peninsula).  The criteria was to find a suitable location with appropriate wind speed, land and population while avoiding sensitive environmental locations and schools.  I do not have access to the I:drive right now to be able to link to it so I have presented the slide presentation and summary here as jpg images until I can get access to the I:drive again.

This is my slide by slide summary. I felt that I was successful at obtaining my goal of finding a good location for the wind farm.  I found that when I used the tools I specifially needed for the analysis I came up with good results.  My original proposal said that I would use different analysis tools but I realized I was trying to find ways to use these tools instead of just using the best tools for problem at hand.

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