Thursday, June 21, 2012

Japan Tsunami Lab

This lab was in two parts and was based on the Tsunami that hit Japan and damaged the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.  We assessed the areas damaged, the evacuation zones at different distances and the population affected. 

The objectives for the first part of the lab were to:
- Understanding geodatabases in ArcGIS
- Creating a file geodatabase in ArcCatalog

The objectives for the second part of the lab were to:
- Create and work from a file geodatabase in ArcMap
- Map the evacuation zones surrounding the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
- Determine the at-risk population within each of those zones

This lab was a little easier for me than the last two until I tried to put the final map together. As I was trying to upload the final map here I noticed that it is missing elements, important ones. This screenshot shows what the map looks like in ArcMap - Print Preview.

This is what is apparently showing up as the exported jpg:

Part I: Building a File Geodatabase

1)      Reviewed all the layers available

2)      Created a new file geodatabase “Tsunami.gdb” and added the feature datasets with WGS1984_UTM54N projections:

1.      Transportation

2.      Damage_Assessment

3.      Administrative

3)      Added the layers to the appropriate datasets.

4)      Built a new raster dataset from the DEM elevation rasters using the Data Management tools – Build Raster Attribute Table.

5)      Created Raster Dataset using New – Raster Dataset in ArcCatolog.

Part II: Fukushima Radiation Exposure Zones

1)      Added the layers:

a.       JpnBndOutline

b.      NuclearPwrPlnt

c.       JapanCities

d.      Roads

e.      NEJapanPrefectures

2)      Isolated the Fukushima Power Plant

3)      Created a Multi-ring Buffer using the ‘Multi-Ring Buffer’ in the Proximity tool

a.       Created layer in the Damage_Assessment Feature Class

4)      Clipped the Buffer so it was shown just on the land using the ‘Clip’ tool

5)      Clipped the roads layer and made them not so noticeable

6)      Ran the Select By Location Search Query to find the cities within 50 miles of the Fukushima Power Plant.

7)      Created labels for the cities and populations in Japan using [City]&vbnewline&[Pop]

8)      Created map with:

a.       Evacuation Zones

b.      Cities labeled

c.       Fukushima Power Plan labeled

d.      An inset map of Jap and the NE region

e.      With all essential map elements

9)      The putting together of the final map deliverable did not go as smoothly as usual.  The Data View worked perfectly but the Layout View did not.  I could not get the map to zoom to a view that I was satisfied with.  I tried several things:

a.       Closing and restarting ArcMap and computer

b.      Copying layers and starting a new map as suggested by one of the students (this made it so the Layout View did not show up at all

c.       I tried what one of the other students suggested, checking the projections – these were fine (but something to keep in mind for the future!)

d.      I gave up after several days of this and put together the map which has all the relevant information but does not look quite like I had wanted it to.

10)  Saved map as FukushimaEvacuationZones_cmb.mxd and exported as a jpg

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