Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Applications In GIS

I am back for my 2nd semester in GIS.  This one is starting off really interesting and I am looking forward to proceeding with the assignments.

First, here is an example of how GIS is used in my industry, Delaware Dept of Natural Resources (DNREC) One of the things the scientists here have been looking into is Sea Level Rise and the possible impacts.  Using data they have collected themselves and using the median data collected from sources like NOAA, EPA, etc, the data was then overlaid with DNREC scenario maps.  The locations that are in areas of potential impact were identified.  The potential impact sites were identified at .5m, 1.0m and 1.5m increase from Mean Higher High Water (MHHW).

The map here is one I created with their data layers.  Below are links to the actual presentation by Delaware Coastal Programs, part of DNREC.

State Sea Level Rise Map:

Explanation and Presentation to Public:

Information on Committee:

1 comment:

  1. Glad to welcome you back this summer with Applications in GIS :) Great example and interesting map!
