Thursday, March 15, 2012

Vector Analysis II Lab

Process Summary Details
Once again, I detailed my steps because I got stuck, this time at the Union section.  I had made 2 mistakes that were not allowing the proper attributes to show up.  I found detailing the steps helped me retrace and start again with a better understanding of what I was doing at each section and then I could duplicate it without any problems.
1)    Step 1: Creating a distance buffer:
-       Added ‘roads’ data layer
-       In ArcToolbox, under Analysis and Proximity, chose Buffer (A)
-       Parameters for buffer: ‘linear distance of 300 meters’; ‘dissolve all’ buffer borders
2)    Named output feature class “Roads_Buffer300m”
3)    S:\Vector2\roads_buffe300mr
-       Turned off Roads and Road Buffer layers
4)    Step 2: Creating a Variable Distance Buffer”
1.     Added ‘water’ shapefile layer
2.     In ‘attribute table’: Add field of type ‘Short Integer’ and name “buffdist”
3.     ‘Select by Attributes” for ‘lakes’
4.     In ‘buffdist’ column, right-clicked to select ‘field calculator’ and assigned as “150”
5.     ‘Switched Selection’ to ‘River’ feature and assigned “500” in ‘field calculator’
6.     ‘Clear Selection’
7.     In ArcToolbox, selected ‘buffer tool’ and created “Water_Buffer_variable” layer
5)    S:\Vector2\water_buffer_variable
1.     Moved Water layer on top of Buffer layer
2.     Turned ‘Roads’ and ‘Roads_Buffer’ layers on
6)    Saved as S:\Vector2\roadwater_buffer.mxd
7)    Step 3: Using ArcPython to Run Buffer Analysis
1.     Opened the ArcPy window
2.     Typed import arcpy (enter)
3.     Typed arcpy.Buffer_analysis( “Roads”,”S:\Vector2\roads_buffer300m”, “100 Meters”, “FULL”, “ROUND”, “ALL”)
4.     Saved as S:\Vector_Analysis2\arcpyroads.mxd
5.     Turned the new layer off
6.     Layers turned on are:
1.     Water.shp
2.     Roads.shp
3.     Water_Buffer_variable.shp
4.     Roads_buffer300m.shp

8)    Step 5: The Union
1.     In the ‘Water_Buffer_variable’ layer In ‘attribute table’: Add field of type ‘Short Integer’ and name “insd_wbuf”
2.     In attribute table, under “insd_wbuf’ column, right-clicked to select ‘field calculator’ and assigned as “1” for all features
3.     In the ‘Roads_Buffer_300m’ layer In ‘attribute table”: Add field of type ‘Short Integer’ and named”:insd_rbuf”
4.     In attribute table, under ‘insd_rbuf’ column, right-clicked to select ‘field calculator’ and assigned as “1”
9)    Running a union overlay
1.     Select Union tool from Overlay toolset in Analysis Tools toolbox
2.     Input Features: ‘Water_Buffer_variable’’ and ‘Roads_Buffer_300m’
3.     Output Feature Class: ‘Buffers_Union’
4.     JoinAttributes: ‘All’
5.     Gaps Allowed ‘checked’
10) Opened the Attribute table for ‘Buffer_Union’ layer and the proper number of attributes was in the table
11) Select by Attributes query: “insbd_rbuf”= 1 AND “insd_wbuf” = 1
12) Exported ‘selected features’  to “buffer_union_export” shapefile from the TOC and added new layer to map.
13) Turned off all other buffer layers
14) Step 6: Separating and Excluding Areas
1.     Added the conservation_areas’ layer
2.     Chose the Erase overlay function and used ‘buffer_union_expor’t as the input and the ‘conservation_areas’ as the erase.
3.     Named this new layer “possible_sites”
15) Converted the ‘possible_sites’ layer from a multipart layer to a singlepart layer using the ‘Multipart to Singlepart’ tool.
1.     Named this new layer “possible_sites_single”
2.     Added the new field ‘area’
3.     Used the ‘calculate geometry’ function to answer the questions. 
16) Turned off all layers except ‘possible_sites’, ‘roads’ and ‘water’
17) Added Essential Elements
18) Saved file as S:\Vector2\PossibleCampgroundSites_cmb.mxd
19) Exported file as S:\Vector2\PossibleCampgroundSites_cmb.jpg

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